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Better Termite and Pest Control is ready to protect you from ticks in our area. Our technicians use a traditional barrier spray. This treatment is the most comprehensive form of defense against ticks. The barrier spray will not only kill ticks on contact, but it also reduces the population if utilized throughout the season.

Lyme Disease is an issue in the Metro DC area

We take the spread of Lyme disease seriously at Better Termite. We realize that tick-borne illness is on the rise in the United States. Using a professional company is the most essential method of protecting your family from Lyme disease. We can provide you with a detailed timeline that explains the most critical times to treat with the barrier spray.
We found the following chart in Northern Virginia Magazine that displays the different tick species in Northern Virginia. “There are 15 different tick species found in Virginia, but only three species commonly bite people,” says State Public Health Entomologist David N. Gaines (each is detailed below).